Thursday, December 17, 2009

Skin color is depend upon DNA,Can cosmetic creams alter the DNA code?

Can Negroes become fair, if they are use cosmetics like creams,cleansing soap,ointments etc.Skin color is depend upon DNA,Can cosmetic creams alter the DNA code?
No you cannot change your DNA. Furthermore, doing so would be very dangerous!! We don't understand it enough to change one part and not alter others for the worse.

Some dark skinned people (please don't say ';negroes'; sheesh :P) use bleaching creams to temporarily bleach their skin to become lighter. Personally, I wish everyone could feel comfortable in their skin and not resort to chemical bleachings to make it different. Love yourself ladies! But yes, people can bleach their skin, but not alter DNA. The results also would not make a dark person completely ';fair,'; just a little lighter.Skin color is depend upon DNA,Can cosmetic creams alter the DNA code?
basically - yes, but that's not the case in the present.

Changing the genetic code in humans is something that is very risky - can lead to tumors, cancer and a million reasons for diseases, so even in medicine it's still experimental - that's why cosmetic creams won't alter your DNA code (maybe in the far future they will, who knows).

They do, however, contain materials that can make your skin look better, brighter/darker without changing your genetic code.
Cream that is on the market will most likely not alter the genetic code. however in the odd chance that they due because they are mutagenic (and some very very harsh cosmetic creams might be), they could alter the genetic code by one or two bases, however this would most likely result in no phenotypic alteration, especially not in skin color. however what might happen is a mutation that could cause cancer..but this is an extreme case..
No, in fact not even moisterisers cross the skin as many advertisments would have you believe. the skin is there and is waterproof for a reason. If anything could cross it and if anything could alter your DNA I'm sure Man would not have survived this long. Do not give into the hype.
You can bleach your skin, but that will not change your DNA.

If you have dark skin, there is no reason to try and make it lighter. There are dark skinned models out there who are very beautiful.
No, only radio active materials could change your DNA.

Your DNA is determined at the moment the sperm cell meats the egg cell.
Cosmetics can not genetically alter anything
they can bleach their skin, sure. But so far no cream will alter genetic coding
no creams cant alter dna nor they can make u fairer

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